
Cleveland Blue and Green Lines: Unexpectedly Unique

Prologue So… first review outside the northeast! 🥳 Anyway, as part of our tour of first-gen systems in North America, we will turn to Cleveland next. Frankly, Cleveland has a fairly unusual system in that it does not derive from the city’s streetcar system, but rather from a unique semi-interurban operation. Overview At 29 kilometers, […]


Newark City Subway: The One You Forget About

Prologue The Newark City Subway… do you mean the New York City Subway? Well, no, and it’s not a tram, so why would I be reviewing it? Anyway, when listing the “famous 9” systems in North America, you always forget about either Pittsburgh, Cleveland, or Newark. And it’s a bit hard to imagine Newark, an […]


Boston Green Line: This Time, an Actual System

Prologue The previous post was about Boston’s quirky little isolated light rail line, the Mattapan Line, so naturally the next post will cover the real light rail system of Boston, the Green Line. The Green Line has the highest ridership per mile of any light rail system in the country, and was also the first […]


Ashmont Mattapan High Speed Line: Quirky yet Convenient

Prologue Why on earth did you choose a quirky line in southern Boston as your first review!? Well, I don’t know actually, maybe because I’m currently in Boston… Maybe because I like PCCs… But from a practical standpoint it’s a short line that can be quickly described and serves as a template for myself, and […]